Daily Leo Horoscope March 01 (01/03)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

March 01


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 9/10

You could be a beacon of hope for others at this time as your enhanced feel-good factor is proof that others can experience the joy of success. Your generosity isnt going unrecognized and earns you more respect, so be willing to perform some random acts of kindness. If you know someone is owed an apology, then this is an ideal time to offer it.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

You could be reaching a critical point in a planning process. As the scope of your vision grows, you might be concerned about overcommitting yourself. Be certain youre dealing with accurate and reliable information before making important choices. You could be more focused on the destination than recognizing the importance of taking the series of small steps needed to get you there.


summary leo weekly

Star 9/10

This week, in an area of your world, push is coming to shove. One situation or arrangement is about to move from traveling at a snails pace to a rate of knots. You can choose to wait and see what happens when push and shove collide. However, like any collision, you probably wont find the experience pleasurable. This week, its important you see the signs, smell the coffee, read writing on the proverbial wall or do whatever it takes to bring about a change that will alleviate potential stress. You have an alternative other than to simply accept whats likely to occur if left alone. Step in, swallow some pride and apply your damage limitation skills.


summary leo monthly

Star 10/10

Although the Lunar Eclipse that occurred in Leo at the end of March is history, its legacy continues during March. This brought new levels of clarity in more than one area of your world, but particularly how you intend to connect with a certain person, deal with a certain intensely confusing issue, or both. Coming weeks will help you to know precisely where you stand and take the most appropriate course of action. A boost to your bank balance that comes from money other than earnings will bring relief, but it will be the Solar Eclipse on the 15th that takes one commitment into very new and more fulfilling territory.


health leo daily

Star 8/10

The favorable position of the planets today gives you an intuitive sense of where to point your arrow, but how far will your arrow go if your feet arent planted on the ground nor your back straight and strong? Give yourself the benefit of a regular yoga practice to ground your energy and build your strength so that you may use these transits (sources of positive energy in and of itself) to meet your health goals.


health leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Todays planetary aspect will enhance your awareness of health issues. Your personal power is greatly aided also, as these energies can also act to powerfully enhance the challenging aspects of your personality. As other challenging transits are present, this could possibly mean drama. So as not to lose your balance, stay adhered to your health routine - especially exercise!


health leo weekly

Star 9/10

Dont allow too much pressure and stress to affect you. If you have a major project or big deadline, try to prepare for it in advance. It will help you feel more peaceful, energized, and lively. Your health is your most important resource, so put your well-being at the top of the list.


health leo monthly

Star 9/10

Try to make your exercise routines as interesting as possible or you might find it hard to stick with them. You usually have high expectations for yourself, so giving yourself the best possible chance to succeed can certainly help. Bearing this in mind, consider trying other ways to work out apart from going to the gym. A solar eclipse on March 15 in your sector of relating can encourage you to combine forces with your partner and work out together, which will give both of you extra support. You might want to try a gentle detox for one or two days starting on the eighteenth.


love leo daily

Star 8/10

If love drops in on you like a bolt of lightning from the blue, then you can chalk it up to the current position of the planets. You no more expected to fall head-over-heels for someone when you woke up this morning, than you would expect to see a pig fly. But life is full of surprises, so be prepared for some interesting times ahead.


love leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Things may be somewhat deceptive today, due to the present celestial atmosphere. Its not that you intend to distrust a certain person when they disclose the way they are feeling, yet something just doesnt quite seem to ring true, although you may not be able to put your finger on why this is. It may be best, at least for now, to listen to your intuition.


love leo weekly

Star 10/10

Theres no reason to give up hope. Your relationship outlook might look bleak right now, but there is always one ray of sunshine ready to break through the clouds. You come across as shy when youre in an uncomfortable setting over the weekend, but it doesnt take long for you to come out of your shell. Your outgoing personality always makes an appearance eventually.


love leo monthly

Star 7/10

The sensitive moon spends time in your egocentric sign early on March 1, so taking things personally is an art form for you. Holding grudges against your critics is a given. The dazzling sun soaks up the compassionate energy of Pisces beginning on the eighteenth, and entering the watery realm of the Fish can be relaxing, renewing, and dreamy. Romance is high on your list, and youre very good at creating the right mood. The month ends with the emotional moon in your sign once again, on March 26, giving you a do-over. Learning small lessons now will help you avoid bigger mistakes in the future.


career leo daily

Star 7/10

Today you will suffer the consequences that happen when you neglect to completely plan out your moves. Most of the time, you rely on your sporadic, haphazard approach to see you through. Today you will see that sometimes this approach falls short.


career leo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Think about what you can bring to the workplace today instead of what you can take away from it. Share your knowledge and your inspiration instead of forcibly sucking other people of theirs. What you give will automatically come back to you tenfold.


career leo weekly

Star 9/10

This is a very positive time for anyone with a vivacious nature like yours. There could be a distracting, work-related flirtation. Try not to read too much into it. Its likely to be a passing fancy. Do your utmost to complete everything on time. Oversights will cause delays or you might have to redo the work later. This period is ideal for team meetings or a company party. Your ability to make people feel good about themselves is strong.


career leo monthly

Star 7/10

A family matter might prompt you to take time off work on March 10. Have a private talk with your employer to explain the situation. A helpful colleague may take some tasks off your plate on the thirteenth, easing a heavy burden. March 15 is ideal for signing a contract or entering a formal partnership, thanks to a stimulating solar eclipse. Working on commission should be profitable after the eighteenth. Youll easily outperform the competition during the second half of the month. Be willing to accept some additional responsibilities near March 25. Your employer will appreciate your cooperative attitude.



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